Xtrend AI


Rapid Prototyping

Rapid prototyping can be very useful for testing new Machine Learning and AI systems and demonstrating their basic viability.

System Architecture

Agile approaches to rapid prototyping are great ... but having a basic system architecture can have a big payoff as development progresses.

System Development

An ML/AI system involves much more than running some data through a model such as a neural network. Other system development elements include APIs, server configuration and monitoring, user interfaces and documentation, database design and implementation, performance tracking and analysis, 

Model Development

Developing the right model for an application is critical.

Model Management

ML/AI models must be fine tuned to produce results appropriate for an application.

Training and Seminars

There are many ML/AI concepts that differ from traditional computing. Training and seminars can help pave the way for ML/AI system development and deployment.

Customized Consulting

Combine our services to create a customized approach for your needs.

Research and Development

Some needs an problems require a bit of R&D to scope out potential approaches and solutions.

Data and Database Design

ML/AI feeds on data. A complete ML/AI systems requires database technology to store and review data.

Data Analysis

ML/AI is probabilistic in nature. Comprehensive data analysis is critical for ML/AI success.

Platform Analysis and Selection

There are many platforms available for use in ML/AI systems.